Friday, November 9, 2007

Whats love got to do with it

What makes love so complex?

We are complex, love is simple. People's brians get in the way. Love is about what goes on in your heart ( i know that sounds really corney) and not what goes on in your head. There's so much crap floating around in our heads that the way we connect to ourselves and know what we're really feeling gets buried. An apple, for example has one layer and then more layers and then more layers and then you get to the core. You have to eat all that stuff to see what the core looks like. This is impossible for us, except for the Dali Lama, because the way our lives are run is crazy and demanding and stressfull and busy. We're constantly worrying about the little things and don't have time to explore the big issues. That's why there are so many divorces- too many people are getting married before they know who they are let alone what they're looking for in a partner. So love gets complicated because we make it that way. Plus there are different kinds of love: family love, love love, friend love so that just makes love even more ambiguous.

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